Hungarian MMA Scolarship
dimension: H: 0,75 m, W: 1,3 m
structure: stainless steel wire
light: dimmable led
year: 2020-2023
The Möbius consist of 3 equal size layersl. The composition becomes its exclusivity through invisible welded assembly. The lamp is individually manufactured, the assembly is made by hand-craft
It is a premium category product that is definitely opposing the practice of the planed obsoletion. The utilized noble materials have the life cycle of
ages and the high aesthetic and design value makes the products object of heritage from generation to generation.
The manufacturing of the lamps is offering jobs to micro and small local companies employing local manpower.
Product property related to sustainability:
for life
passed down from generation to generation
localism - relies on local resources
www.szandraszentgyorgyi.com lamp design
Szentgyörgyi Szandra - S/ALON BUDAPEST Lakástrend Kiállítás (salonbudapest.hu)